How To Make a Backlink ?

Couple of steps are to be followed to make a backlink.{ don't worry they aren't hard}

1. Know your url. If you want your link to draw people to your home page or some specific post you need to have some specific link. For example it might be the difference between which is the main page of my personal blog or this: which is a specific post.

2. Now comes the turn of some simple html stuff:

<a href="http://yoururlhere">your keywords</a>

3. A keyword would be required for your link. Don't use a keyword from the title of your blog/article/website, because the search engines will already see it in your url. Choose something else which is relevant to where you will send people. For example, using the above post I might use the key word teacher and school .

Let's use the example from this blog and I'll show you what it looks like, in code and then the way it appears in code.

<a href="http://">teacher and school</a>

This is how it will look like in the comment:

Getting homework done

Backlinks from blogs are great and you need to think about the page rank of the blog before you leave the backlink. You should be backlinking from a blog with a higher page rank. I would choose at least a 4 or 5. It may have to be lower depending on your niche.

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